Monday, September 17, 2012

Du Freak??

Ah the nerdy half of me. This is a flyer for a new shop that opened up in a street market building near my house. As you can see, the DC themed font and comic/cartoon villans Joker and his beloved Harley Quinn,
give this design and layout an American Kitsch theme. The artwork was well done, whether the designers illustrated it or not, and the font was positioned quite nicely. What attracted me this flyer was both the characters and the layout. I am a huge DC/Marvel fan and assumed at first it was a Batman fan club. After reading it, I found out it's a comic book like store with piles of comic books, posters, records, etc. The store itself was pretty bad ass, and think it's a perfect store for those who are major DC/Marvel fans :P.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Incomplete Figures

"Figures emerge into the future. From this institution their minds and hearts have been prepared and stirred into taking flight, although they are still incomplete"
- Andrew Jumonville

This is a statue on my other community college's campus.

What really attracted me to this piece of work was the fact that this these statues were incomplete. Not one arm or leg was completed. How odd.

When I read the little engravement, I sorta had a hard time making out the message.

To me, I believe the message is that while there bodies are incomplete, their minds and hearts are keeping them on their dreams of emerging into the future.